Proudly Veteran Owned


Ask Bill

What is a home curator? 

A home curator is a trades professional that serves as a Project Manager for all the  maintenance of your home. We oversee the quality and control ensuring that all contractors are licensed, insured and the work is completed to a higher standard. 

Why would I need a home curator?

Most people understand that maintenance of a home helps increase its overall longevity and adds value. By hiring a home curator you ensure that nothing is overlooked. As a home curator we employ a systematic checklist and review all items with the homeowner. 

Who may need a home curator? 

Many homeowners could benefit from a home curator. Primarily, traveling owners, snowbirds and owners of vacation homes benefit the most. Having a professional look after your home, check on it regularly, follow up after storms all while you’re away is a sense of security and peace of mind. Secondarily, many homeowners understand the value of continual maintenance but can no longer do it themselves. They benefit from having a home curator manage the ongoing work that’s necessary. 

Are your services expensive? 

Most all of our services end up paying for themselves. Whether it is a air conditioner filter operating more efficiently, maintaining gutters ensuring water is going away and not eroding around the home, finding that small leak before it turns into a much larger problem or simply checking batteries and making sure the smoke detectors work in case of that emergency. The cost of the maintenance is much less than the cost due to the failure. 

What do you do if the work is beyond simple maintenance? 

We have aligned ourselves with the very best professionals. They are licensed, insured and vetted. Not only are they professionals in their field they understand the level of expertise that we require. 

Wouldn’t that type of professional be more expensive? 

Because we work with these professionals on a consistent basis we’re able to negotiate a better rate on your behalf. Many times by including the home curator the cost is less than if you were to just call a company direct.

Okay I have determined I need a home curator, what is next?

We start with a home maintenance assessment to verify the current condition and ongoing needs of the home. After that determination we create a custom maintenance program based on the individual and their home’s needs. We understand that every home is unique and every homeowner’s level of need is different. Your first step is to reach out to 386-290-3019.
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